Meraj Publishing is a Trans and Queer Muslim publishing house that centers TQM voices from the global majority. Recognizing the vast inequities in the publishing industry, we aim to enable TQM individuals from the global majority to fully own our stories. Meraj prioritizes stories that focus on building utopia, hope, love, spirituality, and belonging. Meraj Publishing is entirely run and operated by TQM global majority.

Our Publications

Blood Orange

"Blood Orange" is a highly emotional, important and timely poetry collection by Mx. Yaffa (They/She), a trans Muslim displaced Indigenous Palestinian. Their writings probe the yearning for home, belonging, mental health, queerness, transness, and other dimensions of marginalization while nurturing dreams of utopia against the background of ongoing displacement and genocide of indigenous Palestinians.

The collection came quickly and relentlessly, drawn from the depths of the author's soul during a movement for a free Palestine and aligned with a solar eclipse. It beckons readers to re-evaluate what is perceived as immutable and to imagine pathways toward Utopia.

"Blood Orange"- the title an homage to the Yaffa Oranges (which were appropriated first by the British and subsequently by Israel) refers to the author themselves, their homeland and blood spilled in the name of settler colonialism.

This highly charged and cathartic body of work confronts the anguish and loss inflicted by genocide but also embraces a vision of a world free of it. The poems within "Blood Orange" were a means of working through and processing the grief caused by recent events and serve as an act of protest and defiance against settler colonialism as a whole.

Inara: Light to Utopia

"Inara: Light of Utopia" is a groundbreaking anthology that unites the voices of queer and trans Palestinians from around the world, each contributing to a vibrant mosaic set in a liberated Falasteen. This collection melds poetry, short stories, essays, visual art, and photography into a singular vision of freedom, love, and belonging. Within its pages lies a reimagined world, where the streets of historic cities resonate with the joyous laughter of those long silenced. "Inara" is not just a book; it's a beacon of hope, a celebration of identity, and a defiant cry for freedom. It invites readers into a utopia crafted from dreams of liberation, showcasing the resilience and beauty of the Palestinian queer and trans community. Join us in exploring a Falasteen reborn, where every voice sings of a future unbound.